Winship Designs LLC is a husband and wife team, David Winship and Lisa Bieber, that hand crafts beautifully functional glass hummingbird feeders. David designed these vacuum feeders in the late ’90s and has spent the years since practicing his craft, perfecting the drip-free design, and working on ways to keep bees, yellow jackets and other insects from raiding the nectar. In 2017, after a career as an orchestral musician, Lisa tried her hand working hot glass and now makes many of the decorative elements incorporated into each feeder. The spun aluminum base houses a proprietary plastic piece that is the heart of the dripless vacuum design. In the early ‘00s, a switch from soda-lime glass to borosilicate was made when it became obvious borosilicate is the best glass for this product. Invented in the 1890s for scientific and industrial applications, borosilicate glass is a thermally shock resistant recipe that can withstand the heat of boiling or steaming, a very effective way to clean and sterilize the feeder without it cracking or breaking; without compromising the art or functional integrity of the glass. Hummingbirds will perch or hover when feeding while you spend hours, seasons watching these fascinating birds.